Acid Factory Wiki

"Saturnuka Rings" is an object created by Acid Factory for their third album, MOTHERBOARD.


Acid Factory shared a photo of the object for the first time on November 11, 2019.[1][2]

Description []

"Saturnuka Rings are mood sensory rings created by the IVANKA CORPORATION! With just placing the jewel on the ring finger, you can check the mood in which you find yourself, it is a simple jewel that can betray the saddest or in love person in the world!".

Mode of use[]

The stone of the mood ring is hollow glass filled with thermotropic liquid crystals. These liquid crystal molecules are very sensitive, they change color according to temperature changes. This change in molecular structure affects the wavelengths of light that are absorbed or reflected by liquid crystals, resulting in an apparent change in the color of the stone.

For example, as the temperature rises, the liquid crystal molecules rotate slightly in one direction. This spin causes the liquid crystal substance to absorb more of the red and green portions of visible light, and this is reflected in the blue part. This makes the stone appear dark blue. When the temperature decreases, the molecules begin to spin in the other direction, and reflect a different color from the crystal. The inside of the mood ring conducts the heat of your finger to the liquid crystals of the “stone.”

If the surface temperature varies much more than normal, as a consequence, the liquid crystals of the stone alter enough to cause a change in the reflected color. If you take a mood ring off, it will usually change to black unless the ambient temperature is very high.

When you are in love or in a passionate mood, your skin usually blushes. This is a physical reaction to an emotion, causing the capillaries to move closer to the surface of the skin causing it to release heat. This produces a slight change in the temperature of the surface of your body directly affecting the ring on your skin.

When you are nervous or stressed, your skin may feel cold and wet. This physical reaction causes the capillaries of your emotional state to move deeper into the skin, causing the surface temperature to drop.

